Friday, May 22, 2009

k@w assignment 6

cock fighting
during my trip to Thailand, i was on my way to the shore as we were going fishing, i saw an advertisement which was on cockfighting. i was shocked, surprised and astonished all at once. watching two cocks fighting to death is not what i call fun or amusing. it is in fact simply cruel and mean. thus we can come to a conclusion that some people perceive it to be fun and entertaining where as others look at it as something that is ruthless or rather cruelty towards animals and nothing else. therefore we deduce that perceptions vary from one person to another. the emotions that run in the minds of the audience or witnesses range from excitement to sadness as a result of these very perceptions of theirs. the reason as to why these cock fights have become so popular is basically due to the extreme orthodox and village-ish mind set of the local people who watch these matches. another insignificant but rather important reason is money, the financial aspect of the entire thing.
it is basically a struggle between emotion and reason. all those people who find the cock fights entertaining and interesting definitely let their emotions win over reason as they believe that the death of two living creatures is far less important than fifteen minutes or half an hour of entertainment. this is an example of emotion winning the battle against reason which is harmful and as lives at stake. on the other hand, there is a similar struggle also between emotion and reason. if one thinks about how cruel and harmful this activity actually is and reasons it out cleary and carefully, he or she will arrive at a logical and practical conclusion which would state that cock fighting causes nothing but harm to the animals taking part in it. for them it is nothing but a slow death. and in this case it is evident that reason defeats emotin and thus arises as the victor.
in ancient rome, there was a concept of the gladiators that prevailed ages ago. in this humans were made to fight lions, an incomparable, one - sided fight. it was considered quite amusing and thousands arrived as spectators to watch it. however, gradually this practise was terminated as it soon came across to the people as ruthless and in considerate. the practrise slowly but evidently came to and end. similarly, i hope that this too will ome to and end . however, this is only possible if people keep in mind their age old ethics, values and morals which were formed from ages memorial.

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